Hey Friends!
It has been a hot minute. I have basically struggled with the balance of mom life, home life, homeschool life and trying to work on this blog! Towards the end of 2023 we dealt with some illnesses that just seemed to drag on forever, and truth be told, they did. When you have a family of 8 it is nearly impossible to get over things in a few days. It seems 2 weeks is the minimum to allow for everyone to get whatever we are passing around and then get over it.
So it is now APRIL, and I am just getting back to business. I hope that it is not always like this but you know, having littles is just its own thing. Structure is really difficult and so is consistency. And that is what I am back to talk to you about today!
Consistency is truly where it is at for pretty much anything that you are wanting to accomplish in your life. Want to lose weight, you need a consistent diet and workout routine. Want to be a more conscious parent? You need to be consistent in your responses and not allowing your reactions to take over. You see what I mean.
I have a post on consistency you can check out here.
However, when we are facing the struggles of life, be it parenting, illness, job stress or overwhelm to name a few, it can be very hard to stay consistent. No one can nail that perfectly all the time. Period. That doesn’t stop one from feeling like we are failing though does it? It is hard not to spiral and start bashing yourself about not being good enough (hello childhood trauma) and how you will never get this right.
What I want to offer you, is the thought that consistency can be practiced. How does that feel, eh? Like a weight was lifted off your shoulders? I hope so. We are not perfect. We deal with more in our lifetimes than ever before and we have more information thrown at us than ever before and we were not made for this. We were not made to be able to spin all those plates at the same time.
We can fall off of our consistency in one or two or all our things and that is ok. What is more important is that we pick back up again and start again. Start eating healthy again. Start working out again. And maybe we start with just one goal to fire back up before we try it all. It all depends on you and your circumstances. But it is ok, however you do it.
For this year, starting even now in APRIL(!!), let’s be consistent together. And when life inevitably bumps us off our path, let’s take a beat and then get back on it.
I have been doing mostly low sugar since December because I found out that I have high cholesterol. YIKES, I know. I am in my 40’s and am trying to get healthy after spending my 30’s pregnant and breastfeeding the whole time. Not that I didn’t want to be healthy then of course, but my diet was sporadic and so was my working out. It’s hard to do that stuff nauseous or super pregnant. I was always jealous of those who did. Since finding out about my high cholesterol though, I have severely lowered my sugar intake which is great. I have pretty consistently (hey there is that word again) taken a LOT of omega 3 supplements and increased the amount of fiber in my diet by way of veggies and beans.
I have been working on it with a naturopathic doctor and she is great. We retested again in February and I dropped my cholesterol by 15 points! I don’t know if that is amazing or not but it feels like it to me! Since then I have been trying to be consistent (< ha!) in working out. But life got me again and all of my kids got strep! It was forever for it to get through everyone even with treatment. Now I am back at it again. Actually started the end of March and made the commitment to move my body every day. I have kept that commitment except for three days when I, myself felt under the weather. And I am really pleased with myself!
I fell off the path a couple times and have gotten back on and have a little something to show for it so far. I would say that is a win.
I hope that this inspires you to a) get a general checkup if you are around my age and b) give yourself some grace in your consistency and c) keep going after your goals.
Remember it is a practice! How are you being consistent in your life?
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